There are currently around 100 numerical water models available which are managed by DEW. These model products and associated data are archived in the Science Model Warehouse, a secure, Tier 2 central network drive.

To ensure numerical models can be replicated by future users and reused for other applications, protocols have been established to guide model development, file management, version control, and release of models from the warehouse.

To request model files and associated data please note the following:

  1. We recommend that you read the metadata/model report and familiarise yourself with the legal conditions specified in the Protocol for numerical models stored in the Science Model Warehouse (the Protocol). The Protocol provides guidance on the use of numerical models, legal conditions, and standards for metadata, file directory structure and naming conventions.
  2. To request the files for a particular model, use the appropriate hyperlink under the model name. Refer to the Science Model Warehouse page.
  3. Fill out the outline of your project brief, including who will have access to the model files and, if applicable, details of any third parties to whom modelling results and reports will be provided.
  4. If DEW approves your request for model files, we will require that a Declaration of Agreement and Participation form (available in the Protocol) be co-signed by (1) the Applicant, or an authorised representative, and (2) Water Science Unit Manager for DEW.
  5. Model files and input/output data files will be provided after the Declaration of Agreement and Participation form has been completed and co-signed by all parties.

The Protocol includes a template for metadata that is to accompany all models stored in the Science Model Warehouse. This template is also available in word and excel format.
