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Water Management
Currently selected
Legislation and Agreements
Licences and Permits
Trading and Markets
Urban Water
Water Planning
Water Security
Flood Awareness
Flood Awareness Information
Flood Awareness Map
Flood Studies and Reports
Water Resources
Surface Water
River Murray
Riverbank collapse
Levee profile mapping
River Murray Infrastructure Data
River Murray Inundation Mapping
Science and Research
Salinity and Water Quality
Industry and Mining
Coal Seam Gas and Coal Mining
FLOWS Initiative
Data Systems
Groundwater Data
Infrastructure Data
Patawalonga Lake System
Spatial Data
Surface Water Data
Water Allocation Data
Water Management
Urban Water
Water Management
Urban Water
Currently selected
Site Contents
Urban Water
Drillholes (GeoJSON)
(ZIP file)
Drillholes (KMZ)
(ZIP file)
Drillholes (Shapefile)
(ZIP file)
Groundwater Aquifers (GeoJSON)
(ZIP file)
Groundwater Aquifers (KMZ)
(ZIP file)
Groundwater Aquifers (Shapefile)
(ZIP file)
NRM Regions - South Australia (GeoJSON)
(ZIP file)
NRM Regions - South Australia (KMZ)
(ZIP file)
NRM Regions - South Australia (Shapefile)
(ZIP file)
Prescribed Water Resources Areas (GeoJSON)
(ZIP file)
Prescribed Water Resources Areas (KMZ)
(ZIP file)
Prescribed Watercourses (GeoJSON)
(ZIP file)
Prescribed Watercourses (KMZ)
(ZIP file)
Prescribed Watercourses (Shapefile)
(ZIP file)
Prescribed Watercourses (Shapefile)
(ZIP file)
Prescribed Wells Areas (GeoJSON)
(ZIP file)
Prescribed Wells Areas (KMZ)
(ZIP file)
Prescribed Wells Areas (Shapefile)
(ZIP file)
Restricted and Notice of Intent to Prescribe Areas (GeoJSON)
(ZIP file)
Restricted and Notice of Intent to Prescribe Areas (KMZ)
(ZIP file)
Restricted and Notice of Intent to Prescribe Areas (Shapefile)
(ZIP file)
Stormwater Nodes (GeoJSON)
(ZIP file)
Stormwater Nodes (KMZ)
(ZIP file)
Stormwater Pipes (GeoJSON)
(ZIP file)
Stormwater Pipes (Shapefile)
(ZIP file)
Surface Water Sub-catchments (GeoJSON)
(ZIP file)
Surface Water Sub-catchments (KMZ)
(ZIP file)
Surface Water Sub-catchments (Shapefile)
(ZIP file)
In this section